
Health & Exercise – Little League Releases Best Practices Guidelines
Is your kid itching to get back in the batter’s box? Little League has released a series of “best practices” guidelines to…

Mental Health – Become a Pen Pal with a Senior Living Facility Resident
Many senior living facilities and nursing homes are still under visitor restrictions, and the residents are lonely – and so facilities are…

Milwaukee Responds to the Coronovirus Outbreak
Do you live in Milwaukee County or near Milwaukee County? Below is a full list of the most recent Milwaukee County COVID-19…

We Stand With You – Stay Connected with GLHF
Dear Friends, On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic. Since then,…

Mental Health
COVID-19, Living with a Bleeding Disorder
The upheaval and fear we experience during COVID-19 can have a lasting impact on our mental health. Learn more about how to…

Health & Exercise
COVID-19, Living with a Bleeding Disorder
How can two balloons keep your kids active? You’d be surprised. This video from Raising Rookies shows an array of games kids…

Understanding Cornonavirus Testing
Testing people for the coronavirus is the best way we can understand the spread of the virus. But understanding the data is…

New Insights into Who Gets Sicker from COVID-19
As the coronavirus continues to spread, infectious disease experts have been able to gain more understanding into why some people get sicker…

A Message from NHF’s Dr. Leonard Valentino: Wear a Mask.
COVID-19, Health and Well Being
In the past few weeks, we’ve seen a lot of discussion in the media about face coverings. Unfortunately, for some people, the…

NHF Webinar Today, June 30: June for Joint Health
COVID-19, Living with a Bleeding Disorder
Join us for an active and educational June for Joint Health webinar. Learn how you can start to form healthy habits by…

Deciding to Go Out
Published June 15, 2020 by the Centers for Disease Control What you need to know In general, the more closely you interact…

Pain Management: Coping During COVID-19
June 15, 2020

Physical Health, Mental Health and Exercise: Let’s Keep it Positive!
Physical Health and Exercise: It’s getting hot, and with pools and beaches operating at limited capacity (if at all), you may need…

National Versus State Numbers in COVID-19: Visit
If you look at the national COVID-19 infection rate, overall the numbers are down. However, it is more important to look at…

There is a 60 Day Window to Get Health Insurance if You’re Unemployed Due to COVID-19
About one-sixth of all American workers have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus. For many, that means their health insurance is…

NHF Webinar En español, Tuesday, June 16: El Estrés y Ansiedad: Copiando con COVID-19
La Fundación Nacional de Hemofilia te invita para un seminario de web: El Estrés y Ansiedad: Copiando con COVID-19, el martes 16…

NHF Webinar, Friday, June 12: Pain Management – Coping During COVID-19
Join NHF on Friday, June 12th at 3 pm (4 pm ET – new time!) for our townhall webinar, Pain Management: Coping…

CDC Issues Guidelines on Office Buildings
The CDC issued new guidelines designed to protect people who work in office buildings. They include modifying office furniture to allow social…

WHO Walks Back Comments on Asymptomatic Spread of Coronavirus
On June 8th, The World Health Organization released a statement saying that people who have COVID-19 but are asymptomatic only spread the…

COVID-19 Assistance Programs
Many of the charitable organizations you may be familiar with including, Patient Services Inc. (PSI), PAN, The Assistance Fund, and the Patient…

COVID-19 Update
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, GLHF has produced two new vehicles for information: a COVID-19 specific category in the News section…

Mental Health:
Want to take a break from the news and watch something delightful for the whole family? Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi has…

How Contact Tracing Works
While you may have heard of contact tracing only recently, it’s actually a method that has been used in fighting pandemics all…

Protective Measures to Keep Your Family Safe During COVID-19
Kids are itching to see their friends, have the run of the playground, and generally get back to the practice of being…