Our Story
Our Mission is to educate, support and advocate for the bleeding disorders community of Wisconsin.
Our Vision is life without limits for the bleeding disorders community.
Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation (GLHF) is dedicated to improving the lives of people and families impacted by a bleeding disorder through meaningful educational and networking programs, as well as financial support services. We serve individuals with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease and other bleeding disorders. GLHF is an active chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF).
Since 1974, GLHF has been a dynamic leader for the Wisconsin bleeding orders community with innovative initiatives like Camp Klotty Pine, the first camp in Wisconsin for children with bleeding disorders, and the annual Wisconsin Bleeding Disorders Conference. Through programs like Patient Financial Assistance, scholarships and advocacy opportunities at the local, state and national levels, we’re helping make life better for our clients and their families.
Our History
1974: GLHF becomes an active chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation.
1976: Federal funding initiated for a statewide Hemophilia Treatment Center.
1978: Wisconsin Hemophilia Home Care Bill becomes law.
1982: First AIDS patient with hemophilia reported and first Federal application awarded by the Maternal & Child Health Bureau (MCHB) (now HRSA).
1986: Federal AIDs Risk Reduction Program funding begins and HTC funding originates at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
1993: GLHF launches Comprehensive AIDS Risk Reduction and Education Project and GLHF begins the Financial Advocacy, Counseling and Education Services (FACES) project.
1994: GLHF awarded Wisconsin Maternal & Child Health Bureau Grant for the Wisconsin Hemophilia Treatment Center Network.
1996: The Hematology Treatment Center at GLHF is transferred to the BloodCenter of Southeastern Wisconsin and renamed the Comprehensive Center for Bleeding Disorders and GLHf holds First Family Retreatment, 24 families attend.
1999: GLHF launches programming for women and girls with Providing Outreach to Women and Girls through Education and Referral (POWER) in middle schools and Women-to-Women.
2007: First GLHF Wisconsin Statewide Advocacy Training Program held in Madison, WI.
2012: GLHF begins supporting Amish families to attend their Annual Clinic Day.
2013: GLHF adds Spanish Speaking Track to Wisconsin Bleeding Disorders Conference and hosts inaugural Milwaukee’s Best Bloody event.
2014: GLHF celebrates 40th Anniversary and establishes Camp Klotty Pine — the first camp in Wisconsin for kids with bleeding disorders with an inaugural enrollment of 20 campers.
2015: GLHF advocates along with WI HTCs with WI Medicaid regarding network and billing for bleeding disorders patients.
2016: Camp Klotty Pine exceeds goals set in 2013, growing from 20 to 37 campers.
2017: GLHF adds a Leader in Training program to our camping program.
2018: GLHF holds inaugural Madison’s Best Bloody event.
Ensure that our work for the bleeding disorders community will continue to help children and adults live life without limits.