
HANDI Highlights Resources for Historically Underserved Population
Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
October HANDI Highlights is dedicated to an historically underserved group within the inherited bleeding disorders community – women, girls, and people with the propensity…

Charting New Waters in Women’s Bleeding Disorders Care
Health and Well Being, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
A session led by Dawn Rotellini at the National Bleeding Disorders Conference this past summer, spotlighted inclusive care for women with bleeding…

Navigating Labor, Delivery, and Postpartum with a Bleeding Disorder
Health and Well Being, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
Learn why creating a birth plan with your medical team is essential. Source: National Bleeding Disorders Foundation, HemAware, September 2024

Learn About Clinical Issues in Women with Bleeding Disorders
Industry News & Research, Women with Bleeding Disorders
The National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) is pleased to announce a series of educational videos on clinical issues in women, girls, and…

New Study Reveals That Age Affects von Willebrand Disease Diagnosis
Health and Well Being, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Men with Bleeding Disorders, Women with Bleeding Disorders
The findings could help further define VWD and address current challenges in treatment. The age that a person is first tested for…

Who’s at Higher Risk for Iron Deficiency?
Health and Well Being, Industry News & Research, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
Learn why women, girls, and people with the potential to menstruate (WGPPM) who have hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, or other inheritable blood…

Yale Researchers Explore the Possibilities of von Willebrand Factor
Industry News & Research, Women with Bleeding Disorders
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have been studying the key clotting protein von Willebrand factor (VWF), to shed light on…

Women with VWD or Hemophilia Not at Risk for Other Female Medical Problems – But Additional Concerns May Need Diagnosis and Treatment
Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
Women who have von Willebrand disease or hemophilia are not at risk for other female medical problems, but two common disorders in…

Concerns for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Endometriosis
Health and Well Being, Pain Management, Women with Bleeding Disorders
Women with bleeding disorders and other medical concerns, or who have von Willebrand disease or hemophilia, are not necessarily at risk for…

Study Results Encourage Discussion of Therapeutic Options for VWD Patients with Menorrhagia
Health and Well Being, Industry News & Research, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
A new study investigated therapeutic options for von Willebrand Disease patients to help mitigate the negative health impacts of heavy menstrual bleeding. …

Gynecologists Have Significant Part to Play in Shrinking Diagnostic Gaps
Industry News & Research, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
A new commentary, “Closing the Diagnostic Gap in Adolescents and Young Adult Women with Bleeding Disorders,” published in the August issue of…

HFA’s New Resource for Blood Sisters and Menstruators
Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
The Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) launched a valuable NEW toolkit, designed by Blood Sisters for Blood Sisters and menstruators. This resource…

Black Women with Bleeding Disorders Are Striving to Be Seen and Heard
Health and Well Being, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
by: Andrea Collier Black women who have inheritable blood and bleeding disorders often face obstacles all along their journey—from diagnosis to treatment…

Industry News & Research, Living with a Bleeding Disorder, Women with Bleeding Disorders
Feeling disconnected from knowledge about women’s health and research? Get WIRED with the Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) is seeking women with bleeding…