GLHF Website Updates, Including Medicare Changes, Gene Therapy, Pain Management and more
As we all know, the web is a pretty fast-moving place. In that fast-moving environment, GLHF likes to think that its website is a reflection of the work we do.
That is why we work hard to provide people with the most up-to-date information and resources we can. We do this based on our current programs and events, as well as the latest industry news and research. We continually make changes to content that best serves the needs of our community. That includes an extensive News Page that covers the latest news in advocacy; legislation; GLHF programs and events; health and well being; living with a bleeding disorder; COVID-19; and more.
Most recently, we have provided critical information about the “unwinding” of Medicaid and gene therapy. In the last month, we have included numerous articles related to the latest in Gene Therapy, as well as the “unwinding” of Medicaid, including “next steps” for readers. Those articles can viewed in the News section of our website under Industry News and Research.
We also added a Pain Management Page to our website last year, based on user behavior and requests. Since that time, we have continued to update that page and it remains one of the top viewed pages on our website. In addition, we added pages dedicated to Women and Bleeding Disorders and Men with Bleeding Disorders, and have continued to update the Health and Well Being section of our News Page, as mental health and well being has become and increasingly important topic the last several years.
Although COVID-19 has not dominated the news cycle the last several months, we have maintained a wealth of information on our COVID-19 Page for all of the latest news and research related COVID and how it impacts our community.
We encourage you to check out our website and see all that it has to offer. Let us know if there is a topic you wold like us focus on, or if there are areas of improvement you think we could make. Our goal is to maintain a user-friendly website that covers the topics that mean the most to you! Contact dlennie@glhf.org for comments or suggestions.
Thank you for making GLHF a trusted resource for the bleeding disorders community of WI, and for your continued support!
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