The 2023 Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk is September 23! Register Your Walk Teams Today!
GLHF’s 2023 Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk will be Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Milwaukee County Zoo (in the Zoo Terrace). We will have face painters; a magician; DJ; photo area; a Camp Klotty Pine tent; Pinwheel Ceremony; awards; and more!
The 2023 Unite Walk website is ready to go. You can register now and start raising money today! Learn more about this year’s Walk! New this year, any person who raises $25 or more will receive this year’s Unite Walk t-shirt, while supplies last.
For questions about this year’s walk, contact Tomi at tvandergriff@glhf.org.
The Unite For Bleeding Disorders is a nationwide event that raises funds and awareness for all bleeding disorders. Participants raise money, locally and nationally, for crucial research, advocacy and education by joining together in a fun and festive event. Teams account for about 80% of the monies raised in walks. They represent companies, organizations, families, schools and clubs, and can range from as few as five walkers to hundreds. Forming teams is a great way to build company morale and camaraderie among co-workers. Families and friends can join together to walk for a common cause and increase community spirit. Visit the Unite Walk Team site and start forming your teams!