Registration is Open for NHF’s 2019 Bleeding Disorders Conference

The National Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF) 71st Bleeding Disorders Conference (BDC), a three-day educational experience that is designed to support the entire bleeding disorders community, will be held in Anaheim, CA, October 3-5.

The bleeding disorders community is varied and diverse. It’s individuals and families affected by a bleeding disorder, the integrated medical team who care for them, the chapter staff and the volunteers who support us. And each year, they all come together for one purpose: to enrich their understanding of bleeding disorders and to connect with each other.

The conference aims to create education for attendees that will help them in real and practical ways – with sessions that are of interest to everyone and their own experience.

Here are a few things to look forward to at this year’s conference:

There will also be opportunities to connect with others in the community at social and networking events. And, the exhibit hall will have the latest products and services.

Find out more and register for this year’s conference.

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