Milwaukee County COVID-19 Update
The Milwaukee Unified Emergency Operations Center continues to put out up-to-date information for the citizens of Milwaukee County. This information is also available in the COVID-19 Section of our Resources page.
Reminder: The Milwaukee County COVID-19 Dashboard continues to be updated daily. The City of Milwaukee Health Department and StaySafeMKE.org websites also provide valuable resources that are continually updated.
Small Business Recovery Initiative Grand Deadline: October 1
The deadline to submit an application for Milwaukee County’s Small Business Recovery Initiative Grant Program is Thursday, Oct. 1 at 5 p.m. These grants are designed to support businesses adversely affected due to COVID-19. The Small Business Recovery and Initiative Grant Program is supported with CARES Act funding. Grant amounts will range from $7,500 to $20,000. Priority will be given to businesses that include a letter of support from a member of the Ethnic & Diverse Business Coalition. Click here to learn more and/or apply.
The National Guard COVID-19 testing sites continue to operate this week. Please see below for locations, dates and times.
COVID-19 Testing Available at National Guard Testing Sites
North Side & South Side Locations
- Custer Stadium – 4300 W. Fairmount Ave., Milwaukee
Across the street from Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education - UMOS – 2710 S. Chase Ave., Milwaukee
- Monday – Thursday: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Friday – Saturday: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Sunday – Closed
As a reminder, Federally Qualified Health Centers and private health providers continue to provide tests for symptomatic individuals. Call 2-1-1 or visit 211 online to find the testing location nearest to you. For more information on testing visit TestUpMKE.com.
Virtual Energy Assistance
Milwaukee County’s Energy Assistance program has transitioned to a virtual model due to COVID-19. Residents can apply for assistance online or by phone. All physical Energy Assistance sites will remain closed for the foreseeable future. To apply for Milwaukee County Energy Assistance, customers can call 414-270-4MKE (4653) or go online to schedule an appointment.
Census Reminder
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline for both field data collection and self-response for the 2020 U.S. Census has been extended to Oct.31. Complete your census today, and remind your friends neighbors and loved ones to do the same! The Census determines the amount of federal funds our state receives for education, Medicare, transportation and more. To complete the census visit 2020census.gov.
Transportation Available
The Milwaukee County Department on Aging is coordinating transportation to medical appointments for any adult in Milwaukee County who has tested positive for COVID-19, exhibited COVID-19 symptoms or was directly exposed to COVID-19. This transportation program aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by providing a safe transportation alternative for adults who have been exposed and need critical access to healthcare. Learn more.
Light and Unite Red
Milwaukee County is raising awareness about the dangers of substance use. The Light & Unite Red campaign is critically important this year. Substance use has seen a dramatic increase during the pandemic, making it more important than ever to raise awareness through Light & Unite Red. This year’s campaign features a number of virtual events. Events taking place in the next week include:
- Oct. 6 – Light & Unite Red Virtual Naloxone Training – 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
- Oct. 7 – Owen’s Place Grab & Go Event – 4 – 6 p.m.
- Oct. 8 – Light & Unite Red Virtual Naloxone Training – 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Boo at the Zoo – Drive-Thru Halloween
It’s time to “get your Spook On” at the Milwaukee County Zoo with Boo at the Zoo! This year it will be a drive-thru “merry, not scary” adventure, to ensure proper safety precautions. From the comfort of your vehicle, you’ll ride on zoo pathways and take in a variety of Halloween-themed areas, carved pumpkins and illuminated light shows. Boo at the Zoo runs Thursday, Oct. 22 through Sunday, Oct. 25 from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Advance online reservations are required. Click here to learn more and register.
Source: Milwaukee’s Unified Emergency Operations Center, Stay Safe Milwaukee.