Camp Klotty Pine Focused on Health and Friendships – And It Was Just What Camper’s Needed!
At Camp Klotty Pine, GLHF helps kids become more independent, learn about their bleeding disorder and take control of their care. Camp is a place for children to learn from others who face similar challenges while trying outdoor activities and developing new friendships under the care of a dedicated community of counselors and staff. And of course, camp is FUN!
This year, after camper family input, Camp Klotty Pine was adapted to keep our campers safe, connected and having fun in a new format. “After a fully virtual camp session in 2020, we are very proud that we, along with Turning Rivers camp staff and our HTC partners, were able to bring the kids together in a face-to-face format that was safe and still allowed for a full camp experience,” said Karin Koppen, Director of Camp and Community Outreach.
We kicked off camp on Monday with a virtual opening campfire for camper families from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Then, camper’s packed their bags and headed out for three nights of in-person camp. On Friday, campers headed home to reflect and share at a virtual closing campfire for the entire family. “The campers adapted to the new format and safety measures. The new protocols did not stop them from having an amazing time,” said Danielle Leitner Baxter, GLHF’s Executive Director. “One camper said, “I am so used to wearing my mask that I forgot to take it off until I was actually in the shower!”
As always, campers participated in super fun camp activities that pushed them to try new things. They made arts and crafts; put on a talent show; played capture the flag; held campfires; took night hikes; swam; canoed; shared daily reflections; and much more. Children also engaged in educational programs about their diagnosis, infusing and self-care – all in a safe, nurturing and encouraging environment.
“We are incredibly grateful to all of the kids, families, camp staff, HTC staff and GLHF staff who stepped up to make camp safe and as “normal” as possible,” said Danielle. “And this year, we saw four new superstars emerge as our Leaders-in-Training. They participated in a big way, creating strong bonds with campers and each another. I am confident they will help GLHF make camp even better next year.”
We would like to thank our sponsors!
Hemophilia Outreach Center
CSL Behring