Camp Klotty Pine Celebrates Five Successful Years of Service to the Bleeding Disorders Community
This past January, GLHF hosted more than 40 children, families, Hemophilia Treatment Center staff and donors to celebrate Camp Klotty Pine’s five year anniversary. Held at the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee, the event featured camp activities such as a scavenger hunt, a bonfire, and arts and crafts.
“The camp celebration gave us an opportunity to bring people together and thank them for helping make camp possible over the last five years,” said Karin Koppen, Director of Camp and Community Outreach. “It included donors, staff and other partners who don’t typically get to experience the magic and fun of camp.”
Over the years, Camp Klotty Pine has hosted more than 150 kids and created life-changing experiences for children living with a bleeding disorder. At camp, children develop confidence, independence and build life-long friendships and memories. Camp is also a place of encouragement, mentoring and education for kids learning life-long skills such as how to self-infuse and enhance their role in self-care.
“We were excited to celebrate five years of camp and everyone who helped make it happen. We are truly grateful,” said Danielle Leitner Baxter, GLHF’s Executive Director. “Seven years ago, our board and staff assessed the needs of the Wisconsin bleeding disorders community. We set a strategic goal to start a camp by 2015 and host 10 kids. We are very proud that we started Camp Klotty Pine in 2014, one year early – hosting 20 kids that year! That first year was magical. Since that first year, we have grown and learned and added to our traditions, camp culture and operations.”
During the camp celebration, Danielle took time to recognize two key people in the evolution of Camp Klotty Pine – Fred Tamms and Dr. Joan Cox Gill. Fred Tamms was a long-time board member and a big supporter of GLHF’s camp initiative. Sadly, Fred passed away just a few months before the first year of camp. That’s when GLHF created the Fred Tamms Infusion Chair in his honor.
Dr. Joan Cox Gill was an inspiration for women, a brilliant hematologist, a force in the bleeding disorders community and a true friend of GLHF. “We lost Dr. Gill last year, but her spirit is with us and she will be remembered for years to come,” said Danielle. “In our first year of camp, we honored Dr. Gill and her dedication to her patients and the bleeding disorders community. Since that first year, we created the Joan C. Gill Health Lodge which campers spend time in every summer.”
Danielle also recognized two key GLHF staff members who make camp a tremendous experience every year. “We could not ask for a more enthusiastic and excited camp team than we have in Karin Koppen, Director of Camp and Community Outreach, and Kailee Frederick, Education and Programs Coordinator. “They truly LOVE camp and the growth they see in the kids.”
We are excited to announce that in 2019 Camp Klotty Pine will go back to where it all started. We will be moving to Camp Turning Rivers (formerly known as Camp Matawa), located in Campbellsport, WI. “We are so excited about the future of Camp Klotty Pine and Family Camp,” said Danielle. “With our new location and partnership, we will continue to expand and try new things while staying true to our camp mission and culture.”
A special thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating five successful years of camp!
Visit our website and our Facebook Page for more information about Camp Klotty Pine!