Accredited Gene Therapy Educational Opportunities Available Online Now
These continuing education activities are intended for hematologists, pediatricians, and other healthcare professionals who manage patients with hemophilia.
The National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) would like to remind healthcare providers that several online educational opportunities for gene therapy are currently available for continuing education credit.
The first two activities are part of the “Clinical Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia” series, presented through a collaboration between Medscape, NHF, the European Haemophilia Consortium and the World Federation of Hemophilia.
“The Science of Gene Therapy for Hemophilia,” will examine the technology behind the emerging approaches to gene therapy in hemophilia. Upon completion, participants will have increased knowledge regarding the use of gene therapy for hemophilia and of the mechanisms of gene therapy for hemophilia that affect immunity, efficacy, and safety.
“Why Gene Therapy for Hemophilia? Exploring the Challenges of Current Therapies,” is a discussion about the current clinical challenges associated with the use of factor replacement therapy in hemophilia patients and the part gene therapy may play in the future. Upon completion, participants will have increased knowledge regarding the potential role of gene therapy to address challenges in current hemophilia treatment.
These programs, supported by an independent educational grant from BioMarin, are available for continuing education credit through September 6, 2020. Access this link to visit the “Clinical Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia” homepage. If you are not already registered, simply go to Medscape.org where registration is straightforward and free of charge.
Also available is “Moving Beyond Factor: Shifting the Paradigm in Hemophilia Through Gene Therapy,” which features an international panel of experts that review the science underlying therapy strategies, provide updates on the latest data for therapies in development, and critically evaluate the potential role gene therapy may play in patient care, both now and in the future.
Originally presented as a live preconference symposium at the 61st American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition, it is intended for hematologists, pediatric hematologists, and all members of the clinical care team involved in the care of patients with hemophilia. The activity is presented through a collaboration between NHF and Medscape and is supported by educational grants from BioMarin, uniQure and Spark Therapeutics. It is available for continuing education credit through December 20, 2020.
If you are already registered with Medscape follow this link to access the activity.
If you are not registered, go to Medscape.org to sign up for free.