Tim Ringgold Delivers Musical Keynote that Inspires and Motivates
Tim Ringgold Delivers Musical Keynote that Inspires and Motivates
“Frame it anyway you want,” sang Tim. “It’s all what you make of it, how you respond to things, react, interpret.”
Capitalizing on the setting of the Kalahari Resort, Tim utilized the soothing rhythm of a West African Chant – Ise oluwa, ko le baje o – taking attendees on a journey of reflection and examining people’s responses to adversity. Tim’s energy and positive attitude were inspirational. The captivating beat was heightened by the use of egg shakers distributed to attendees for use during the session.
The figurative connection between bleeding disorders and his daughter’s shortened life, due to a rare skin condition, resonated with men and women alike who could relate to rare, genetic, stressful diagnoses that disrupt their own “rhythm of life.” To restore order, Tim suggested that attendees consider his strategy, VERO, to reframe the events of life in a more positive way.
“It’s how you react to a situation that controls the outcome. A more positive mindset or approach can help you realize that one wrong or difficult event doesn’t have to shape your reality or your future.” The practical examples Tim used demonstrated to the audience that the key to determining outcomes is controlling our response during difficult situations.
While many of us know this practical approach, framing it by using the rhythm of an egg shaker and music in difficult situations, combined with his strategy, helps formulate a useful tool. This technique can be used for gaining power over stressful circumstances related to bleeding disorders and in broader, everyday situations.
Timothy Ringgold is a Music Therapist who provides musical keynotes that inspire and motivate. His vision is for people to be empowered in the face of adversity.
Ise oluwa, ko le baje o
e-shay oh-lu-wah, ko-lay bah-jay-o
Native Nigerian language, Yoruba. The work of the creater can never be destroyed (spoiled or bad).
“Myth of Hard”
Merriam Webster, first definition for hard: Adjective – not easily penetrated; not easily yielding to pressure. An uncomfortably hard chair. A wall, granite.
To dispel the myth created by the use of the word ‘hard’ in describing situations, Tim further explained ‘hard’ as an illusion we create when facing seemingly ‘hard’ things. Re-framing ‘hard’ situations as difficult to understand or to accomplish makes them feel less impassable.
VERO Strategy
Vision (Our goals and expectations) +
Events (Diversions that make us readjust in order to hit the target) +
Response (Our interpretations and the meaning we give to events – this is where life happens ) =
Outcome (the results – our legacy)
Coincidentally, VERO is also an Italian word meaning true, real, tight.