The 2023 Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk is September 23. Register Today!
The Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk is Saturday, September 23. There’s still time to register yourself and your team! We are nearly halfway to our fundraising goal – but we need your help us reach our goal of $78,000!
Don’t forget about these new individual prizes!
$25 – 2023 Unite Walk t-shirt
$100 – Unite drawstring backpack
Here are some of this year’s team prizes. Remember, these prizes are earned as a team, not individually.
$1,000 – Extra team photos on Walk day. Digital copies will be sent to your team captain after the Walk.
$2,000 – Take home your team’s Walk yard sign on Walk day.
$3,000 – Zoo Wild Experience of your choice. Or, complimentary registration for your family to GLHF’s Wisconsin Bleeding Disorders Conference (up to 4 people).
$5,000 – Team pizza party.
Contact Tomi at tvandergriff@glhf.org with any questions.