Rate of Coverage Losses from Medicaid Unwinding Continues to Cause Alarm

Concern grows over the mounting tally of Medicaid coverage losses impacting people who remain eligible for the program. Read how federal regulators and patient advocates are responding. Continuing reading for the latest on this topic.

Wisconsin residents: Congress told states it was time to re-start Medicaid eligibility reviews (as early as Feb. 1, 2023) and terminations (as early as April 1, 2023, with completion due by April 2024). Check your status today! Learn more. WI Medicaid (Badgercare) recipients can check their status here.

July saw mounting coverage losses from the national Medicaid unwinding. As of July 28, nearly four million people have been disenrolled from Medicaid since redeterminations began in April 2023. Three-quarters of that total lost coverage for procedural reasons, i.e., paperwork, and may still be eligible for Medicaid. In response to this dismaying track record: 

Also in July, CMS released its first set of official data on Medicaid unwinding. The CMS report covers only 18 states that had completed one round of Medicaid redeterminations as of April 30. Even that limited dataset showed coverage losses for over 700,000 people—80% of which were due to procedural reasons. HFA and 34 other patient advocacy groups responded to the data release, urging CMS to use its full enforcement authority to protect Medicaid beneficiaries’ coverage, and calling on CMS to post more detailed and timelier data about state unwinding activities.  

Quick Hits

Source: Hemophilia Federation of America, July 31, 2023

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