NHF Applauds Congressional Enactment of The Hemophilia SNF Access Act
The National Hemophilia Foundation is thrilled to announce that its top legislative priority in 2020, The Hemophilia SNF Access Act.
The National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) is thrilled to announce the full implementation of its top legislative priority from 2020, The Hemophilia SNF Access Act. This critical law will rectify a long-standing problem to improve access to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for Medicare beneficiaries with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. NHF has heard from many community members over the years about challenges accessing SNF facilities due to the way that Medicare reimburses bleeding disorders treatments.
Starting October 1, 2021, SNFs can bill separately for hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorder treatments administered to Medicare beneficiaries needing care in a SNF. This change allows the SNF to either provide the bleeding disorder treatment(s) themselves or contract with a third-party such as an HTC or specialty pharmacy.
NHF will continue to update the information about the implementation of the law and its implications for people with bleeding disorders and their families, HTCs, and others. See here for additional details for different stakeholders:
- Factsheet about implications of the law for patients and their families (link to attached fact sheet)
- Link to Medicare factsheet about which products SNFs can bill for separately
For more information, or if you have any questions about the implementation of the law, please contact Marla Feinstein, mfeinstein@hemophilia.org
Source: National Hemophilia Foundation, October 2021