NBDF Unveils THRIVE Campaign: Empowering Individuals with Bleeding Disorders through 6 Essential Steps
The National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) announces the THRIVE campaign to raise awareness and educate on living healthily with bleeding disorders.
The National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) is excited to announce the launch of the THRIVE campaign, a comprehensive initiative designed to raise awareness and educate the community about six vital steps to living healthily with a bleeding disorder. This campaign aims to empower individuals and their families, providing them with the knowledge and resources necessary to thrive in their everyday lives.
Lena Volland, Director of Education at NBDF, explains, “the goal is to empower and educate you through this resource, enabling you and your loved ones to thrive in your everyday life. We invite you to explore the topics that catch your interest and dive more deeply into each component of T.H.R.I.V.E.”
The THRIVE campaign emphasizes the following steps:
- T – Take advantage of regular care from healthcare providers specializing in bleeding disorders.
- H – Have a conversation with your healthcare provider about yearly inhibitor testing.
- R – Review the latest treatment options for you.
- I – Identify, treat, and fully heal bleeds.
- V – Value and make time for your emotional and mental health.
- E – Embrace your bleeding disorders community and get involved!
To access more detailed information about each step, visit the THRIVE webpage. This NBDF website page features additional resources, including THRIVE Questions for Your Healthcare Provider and a kids THRIVE Coloring Activity Book.
The campaign messages will be promoted on NBDF’s social media platforms, local chapter events, hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs), and the NBDF THRIVE website page. NBDF is proud to collaborate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on this campaign, which is fully funded by a $500,000 financial assistance award from CDC/HHS. The project has been developed in close collaboration with patients, parents, and healthcare providers.
For those interested in ordering THRIVE materials for their HTC or Chapter, or seeking more information about the campaign, please contact handi@bleeding.org.
Join NBDF in embracing this initiative and take the steps towards a healthier, empowered life with a bleeding disorder.
To stay connected, and informed and to learn more about NBDF, please visit www.bleeding.org, or follow the Foundation on social media @nbdf_foundation.
Source: National Bleeding Disorders Foundation, July 2024