National Hemophilia Foundation “Starts the Conversation” During Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, March 1-31
Awareness month campaign encourages the community to raise their voices and share what is most important and relevant to their conditions throughout March.
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Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month (BDAM) runs through the entire month of March, and one of the nation’s leading patient advocacy organizations for the inheritable blood and bleeding disorders community is celebrating by sharing stories and voices. “Start the Conversation” is a new campaign from the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) that will run the entire month, aiming to showcase a wide variety of experiences across disease states, research, education, and advocacy.
“Start the Conversation” invites community members, supporters, and medical providers to use BDAM as a prompt for starting thought-provoking and engaging conversations that will draw attention to the community’s most pressing questions, issues, and needs.
This first-of-its-kind virtual community dialogue will provide accessible facts and resources and dispel misinformation and common misconceptions about inheritable blood disorders. Campaign-related content and resources will be especially prominent on NHF’s social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram).
“Inheritable blood disorders are often excluded from the national conversation around medical priorities,” said NHF President and CEO, Dr. Leonard A. Valentino. “This campaign hopes to highlight disorders like hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, rare factor deficiencies, and others, within issues that are common across disease states, like mental health for chronic disorders, accessibility and affordability of medications, and more. With ‘Start the Conversation’ our community will be able to share what is of utmost importance to them and their families.”
“As someone with a rare disorder, I often find that I haven’t known how to start the conversation with people outside of the community,” said Garrett Hayes, who has severe hemophilia A. “This campaign makes it easier for me to feel less alone, and I’m grateful for the guidance and conversation starters that will help me better tell my life’s story.”
In bringing together voices from across the community, “Start the Conversation” aims to find specific and actionable conversations that reduce stigma and increase understanding via open and honest conversations that get to the heart of prominent questions and concerns. The community is invited to join NHF and to start important conversations this March on social media and elsewhere online. Find free resources available for download at hemophilia.org/bdam.
Source: National Hemophilia Foundation