In Memory of David Linney

Our community is small, but the challenges of life can be so big for those living with a bleeding disorder. Individuals and families navigating access to care and difficult insurance issues likely crossed paths with David Linney at some point over the years. If you weren’t so fortunate to meet him, his legacy likely still impacted your life. It saddens us to share that David passed away on Friday, August 11, 2023.

David moved to Milwaukee, WI in the mid-1970’s to work for Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation, where he created and managed a Patient Financial Assistance Program.  He authored over 100 articles on health insurance and bleeding disorders and provided technical assistance to the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF), NHF’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

David’s impact on the bleeding disorders community was vast and his work touched the lives of so many people that worked alongside him, or benefited from his assistance with insurance struggles. Those that knew him, knew he could talk for hours about insurance and advocacy while making you laugh at the same time which is not an easy feat. With his knowledge, dedication, and humor he naturally became a mentor to many colleagues in the community.

David’s impact through the years:

“I really loved him. He was there for my brother, my uncle, my cousins and then for me with my own children. He will be truly missed by the Hemophilia community and my heart goes out to his family and friends.” Athena King, Community Member

“David was a mentor to me. I would not be where I am at today without his knowledge and guidance.” Jeff Amond, Hemophilia Alliance

“David wasn’t just a colleague to me he was a fast friend, a walking buddy, a mentor, and he provided daily laughs. I learned so much from him throughout our time together at GLHF. I think about him and his legacy often as I continue his work assisting families through our patient financial assistance program.” Karin Koppen, Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation

“David took me under his wing. He saw a young woman so desperate to want to make a difference. He helped me join the advocacy committee. He taught me about political advocacy and spent time cultivating my knowledge and supporting my desire to make a difference.” Michelle Cecil, Community Member

“When I graduated college, working for GLHF was my first real world job as a part time Admin. Assistant. David took me under his wing, and was a great mentor in the bleeding disorders community. He saw the potential in me and believed in me. Before I knew him as a colleague and friend, I didn’t think we would have much in common, and truthfully we didn’t, really! Somehow we never ran out of things to talk about. His sarcastic, dry sense of humor and quick wit always kept me laughing, even on the bad days. He was a special kind of person that genuinely cared and took interest in your life, even if he didn’t understand why something was important to you. As a young(ish) kid, that meant the world to me, and I never forgot it.”
Shelly Reed, former colleague and Community Member

As we reflect on David’s impact in our community, we are inspired to carry on his passion and dedication. We encourage you to do the same as you manage your health and advocate for a life without limits.

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