Health and Wellness Update #7 from Dr. Valentino
I know many of you are overwhelmed with often-conflicting information on coronavirus and COVID-19. As a doctor and researcher, the health of the bleeding disorder community is my highest priority. Every Thursday, I will be sending you vetted, trusted information about the pandemic and information you can use to keep you and your family safe. This information will also be posted on the NHF website at www.hemophilia.org.
If you have specific questions about COVID-19, please send them to NHF and I will do my best to address them in the next issue.
What People With Bleeding Disorders Should Know
Do you have questions about COVID-19? Join us on Friday, May 1st at 3pm ET for our townhall webinar, Ask the Experts: Coping During COVID-19. Featuring Dr. Leonard Valentino of the National Hemophilia Foundation; Dr. Peter Kouides of Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Treatment Center and Rochester Regional Health, and Dr. Margaret Ragni of the Hemophilia Center of Western PA at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, this webinar will cover updates on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the bleeding disorders community and what people with bleeding disorders need to know about the coronavirus. We will also have ample time for you to ask questions and voice any concerns you might have about managing your bleeding disorder during the pandemic.
Register today at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Mt1CZkWwQNyoYzgNArgXoA
NHF’s COVID-19 Advocacy Efforts
While Congress and state governments work to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, NHF has been advocating on a wide range of issues that affect the bleeding disorders community, from paid family leave to increased patient protections for health insurance.
To Streamline Coronavirus Vaccine and Drug Efforts, NIH and Firms Join Forces
Hoping to bring order to the chaos, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and major drug companies announced a plan to stage carefully designed clinical trials of the drugs and vaccines they have decided are the highest priorities for testing and development.
CDC Adds to List of Symptoms of COVID-19
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have updated their list of symptoms for COVID-19, adding a sore throat and loss of sense of smell, among others. These symptoms may occur 2-14 days after exposure. Prior to this, the CDC has only listed three symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Read the complete list of symptoms here.
Protect Yourself During the ‘Infodemic’
The COVID-19 pandemic has another viral outbreak: one of misinformation. Spread on the internet by dubious or malicious sources, misinformation can cause confusion, fear, and even endanger your health. But just like physical distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19, there are things we can all do to help “flatten the curve” of misinformation.
How Your Plasma Could Lead to a Potential Treatment for COVID-19
Did you know that when you donate your plasma, you could become the essential first step in a journey to develop a potential treatment for COVID-19? Learn more here.
Health and Exercise
Keeping kids active during the pandemic is important – and it helps them burn up all that excess energy! The United Federation of Teachers has a list of online resources you can use to keep your kids moving – whether it’s high-energy activities like dance, or more mindful practices such as yoga.
Mental Health
We are all experiencing stress and anxiety right now. NAMI, the National Association of Mental Illness, has created an information and resource guide that addresses how COVID-19 can affect mental health as well as providing extensive resources on everything from adjusting to working from home to caring for elderly relatives