GLHF Adds New Resources to Website
GLHF recently added resources to its website for pain management and women with bleeding disorders, as well as the World Federation of Hemophilia’s (HFA) eLearning platform.
Pain Management for Adults:
Pain is a serious medical concern in America. For those with a bleeding disorder, pain as a result of a bleeding episode can result in acute and/or chronic pain issues. This toolkit provides resources about many pain related issues in the form of:
- presentations (recorded webinars, videos)
- downloads (articles, documents)
- links to other resources
View presentations, downloads and links to other pain management resources.
Resources for Women with Bleeding Disorders:
Women can and do have bleeding disorders. Despite long-standing misconceptions about bleeding disorders in women, women’s voices and experiences are now being taken more seriously. Learn about symptoms and types of bleeding disorders, as well as resources specifically for women, including the Hemophilia Federation of America’s (HFA) Blood Sisterhood program, which provides education, promotes healthy practices, and engages women in developing strong self-advocacy skills. Learn more and access resources.
Other Resources:
GLHF is proud to partner with the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH). We have added a link to WFH’s eLearning platform to our website in the Facts About Bleeding Disorders section of our Resources Page. WFH’s eLearning platform features educational content on topics relevant to bleeding disorders around the world and more than 900 educational resources, including educational videos, webinar recordings, interactive learning modules, and online tools for healthcare professionals, people with bleeding disorders, and their families. More information available here.