COVID-19 Update: Vaccinations
CDC COVID Data Tracker: To date, there have been 27,879,604 cases reported in the US resulting in nearly 500,000 deaths of Americans! This staggering number can and will be reduced by the available and soon to come vaccines. According to the CDC COVID Data Tracker, 56.3 million vaccines have been administered in the US. The good news is that both mRNA vaccines been shown to be highly efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 disease and severe disease, but there is a significant challenge to get more people vaccinated before the coronavirus variants take hold in the US.
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: This vaccine monitor is an ongoing research project tracking the public’s attitudes and experiences with COVID-19 vaccines. Using a combination of surveys and qualitative research, the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor tracks the dynamic nature of public opinion as vaccine development and distribution unfold, including vaccine confidence and hesitancy, trusted messengers and messages, as well as the public’s experiences with vaccination as distribution begins.
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): The most recent information indicates that about 20% of Americans will definitely not or only take a vaccine if required. The United States Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports that non-serious reactions are reported in about 372 out of every million (0.037%) administered doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccines (https://vaers.hhs.gov). The most frequently reported adverse events are pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache and muscle pain. Each is more common after the second dose.
COVID-19 Vaccine Doesn’t Cause Shingles: The epidemic of coronavirus disinformation continues to rage across the internet. Lately, Google searches for “covid shingles” have hit an all-time high. Experts have found no connection between the coronavirus vaccine and shingles – but if you’re concerned, there is a very effective shingles vaccination available, too. Learn more.
COVID-19 Vaccines and Bleeding Disorders: FAQs and Guidance (NHF, Updated January 12, 2021)
These FAQs were created in anticipation of questions or concerns individuals with bleeding disorders may have about the new COVID-19 vaccines. Read more.
COVID-19 Vaccination Guidance
It is important that hemophilia treatment centers, in close collaboration with patient organizations, take action to inform people with bleeding disorders about the COVID-19 vaccines and contribute to an effective vaccination program. Read more
What You May Feel After Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine
It’s important that people understand that there may be some side effects after receiving the COVID-19. These can range from a slightly sore arm to fever and chills. These bodily reactions are your immune system reacting to the vaccine and not an indication that you have come down with COVID, and most disappear after a day or two. Read more experiences from those who have received the vaccine here.
A Vaccine FAQ for Our Community
As the vaccine becomes more available, we know many people in our community have questions. We compiled an FAQ based off questions we’ve received from the community and will be updating it as more information becomes available. Learn more here.
Frequently asked questions about vaccines (Medical College of Wisconsin)
The Medical College of Wisconsin has launched a website providing answers to frequently asked questions about vaccines. Learn the basics of vaccines and why they are so important to the health of our community. Read more.